Thursday, February 25, 2010

Adventures of the Spawn Part 1

Hello from the sad children who wish they had not left Vancouver.

I don't even know how to describe the gloriousness that was our trip! We ate many veggie dogs, became ice dancing fanatics, re-fell in love with skating god Apolo, got screamed at by drunk Canadians on the street, outsmarted the Olympic ticketing system, and had some ridiculous celebrity encounters.

Our first day we did nothing but freak out over trying to get tickets for short track so we could see his holiness AAO in person. After many failed attempts, we managed to find a guy who had them and in a scene that looked like a drug deal, rode the skytrain way out toward the end of the line to purchase them. Then we decided to see what we could do about ice dancing tickets at the venue. Feeling like superstars after our extensive haggling experience in India, Guatemala and Tanzania, we managed to score $420 tickets for $100 each. We saved $640!! And sat third row, where we got to look at all the glitter very very close up.

Mary proudly displays our tickets!

This was for the compulsory dance, which it took us waaay too long to figure our was just them all doing the same basic tango over and over. We still had a great time though. Little did we know we would see vastly more awesome dances in a couple days.

I don't remember which pair this was but they had such a sassy pose!

We loved these Frenchies! The guy in particular was so funny.

The often-overlooked flower and teddy bear gathering little BOYS! So cute!

I think my favorite thing about Vancouver was that they had veggie dogs and what I always tend to refer to as "Mexi-Coke" (aka real sugar!) everywhere! Funny snack while watching ice dancers.

I think Muk Muk loves ice dancing! I love that nobody even noticed we were photographing this.

Belbin and Agosto, the most famous American ice dancers! And sadly the only people we recognized the first night.

Giddy after leaving ice dancing, we took a very frustrating and indirect route back to the hotel and soon became cranky. We were about to go out to dinner when we realized we had no money because I took my daily debit limit out of the ATM buying the Apolo tickets. Oops. So we ate in the hotel, which ended up being fab! We ordered the Olympic themed drinks because we are suckers. Mary actually ordered hers by saying "...and I will be performing the triple axel!"

It was pretty funny when the bill came!

Then we realized we could see the Olympic flame reflected in an office building next to our hotel. Can you spot it?

We went to bed almost too giddy to sleep. Maybe it was a sign of the VERY EXCITING EVENT that was coming the next morning. (Which has already been documented on here, but we have MANY more pictures!)

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